• Our new London Atelier in the Big Smoke

    02 Jun , 2017

    Well blimey, we've only gone and moved to London! We knew 2017 was going to be a big year for Janay Lingerie, with so many collections to launch and big surprises on the way, but up rooting and moving our whole life and brand to London was a wonderful turn of events.  This year we've waved goodbye to the good ole British countryside and moved into the heart of the...


  • Be My Valentine

    27 Jan , 2017

    Be my Valentine... We are feeling the love this Valentines, flowers everywhere, chocolates in their own cushioned boxes and of course, it wouldn't be complete without a little luxury lingerie.  This Valentines we've cherry picked our flirty favourites to gift to your loved one, or yourself, why not right? Lingerie can be a tricky one to choose for someone else, what's their style, whats the best fit, would they like this...